A stay in Sainte-Thècle, in its generous nature, will leave you with unforgettable memories. A multitude of activities are available to you in all seasons: hiking, biking, golf, paddle boarding on Lac Croche, snowshoeing and many others. We provide you with the necessary outdoor equipment so that you can make the most of it and allow you a tailor-made experience according to everyone's preferences.
See our favourite activities listed below, to see a more complete list of all that is available to you, we suggest that you download Le Guide de Tourisme Mékinac by clicking here.
Our electric fatbikes are available for our guests free of charge so that you can enjoy the surroundings at your own pace. As our name suggests, this is the COUNTRYSIDE! There are miles of country roads and trails to explore!
Even if it is associated with winter, fatbiking is a four-season sport that can be practiced all year round. When the snow melts, the backroads, forest roads and open woods of Mékinac are perfect playgrounds for this type of bike. Our fatbikes are also the best mean of transport to explore our village and its merchants.
It can be difficult to do your usual jog when you're on vacation away from home. To help you keep in shape, we've got three running routes in your CAMPagne Guide to help you keep up the pace during your stay with us.
In the summer, snowshoes and skis are replaced by paddle boards in order to enjoy Lac Croche which is barely 550 meters from here!
Two paddle boards per domes are available to you.... and yes, it's also included with your stay!
Horse-drawn sleigh rides
Located just a few minutes from here (5 minutes by car), a superb winter activity awaits you. Explore the countryside, the fields and the forest, with experienced guides who are passionate about horses. Dress warm and bring a little something to drink, the tour includes a short break by the bonfire.
Availability depending on the temperature.
Hok skis
Ever heard of Hok skis? It is a hybrid between cross-country skiing and snowshoeing, perfect for off-piste skiing, Hok skis allow you to explore the fields and the forests in the area. The integrated skins allow you to climb and the edges and profile of the ski (similar to an alpine ski but shorter) allow for a stable glide downhill, all that with regular winter boots!
As with fatbikes and snowshoes, two pairs of ski-snowshoes per dome are available to you. It is included with your stay.
In the wintertime, each dome comes with two pairs of snowshoes for you to to enjoy the surrounding trails.
Our guests also have free access to the snowshoeing trails of the Le Geai Bleu cross-country ski club just 3 km from here (5 minutes by car) very close to Belle à Croquer!
Cross-country skiing
For cross-country skiers, access to the Le Geai Bleu cross-country ski club is included, all you have to do is bring your equipment.
3 km away
5 minute drive
Planche à pagaie
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public beach
The most beautiful beach in all of Mauricie! A breathtaking view of Lac Croche and the fountain.
550 meters away
5 minute bike ride
Hiking Mont Otis
Accessible year-round except during the deer hunting season in early November.
23.8 km away
25 minute drive
Ice skating
The Sainte-Thècle ice rink is close by. There is a room to put on your skates and warm up.
1.2 km away
3 minute drive
Golf Club
Two beautiful 9-hole courses: the Tawachiche and the Mékinac.
6.8 km away
7 minute drive
Planche à pagaie
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Vallée du Parc
33 alpine ski trails, 3 snowshoe trails and 1 alpine luge run.
41.7 km away
35 minute drive
Mauricie National Park
Huge playground with more than 150 lakes, including the famous Wapizagonke Lake. Open year-round, but closed between seasons.
43.7 km away
38 minute drive
Batiscan River Park
Although the trails are accessible year-round, the park is officially in operation from May to October. One of the hidden treasures of the Mauricie!
32.1 km away
27 minute drive
St-Tite Western Festival
It is almost impossible to talk about the Mékinac region without mentioning the Festival Western de St-Tite ! The biggest Western attraction in Eastern Canada attracts nearly 600,000 visitors to its village of 4,000 souls during the ten days of festivities in September. Professional rodeos, major shows, festive atmosphere and authentic character: the Festival Western de St-Tite is a must for cowboys.